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Connect with DOE’s Office of Science

The Office of Science is pleased to announce monthly virtual office hours to share information and provide opportunities to ask questions about our six research programs and two research and development and production offices. Researchers at all institutions are welcome to attend and learn more about our programs; no existing relationship with DOE or the DOE national laboratories is required to attend. Research administrators are also encouraged to attend.

Office hours will take place on the schedule below for each program office. Topics will vary each month. The office hour will be in the form of a zoom meeting, starting with a brief presentation on the monthly topic, followed by questions. Program managers will be available to answer questions from the community. Click on the topic below to register for one of the office hours.

Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)

ASCR will hold virtual office hours on the second Tuesday of the month, 2-3 pm ET. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on ASCR office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


Basic Energy Sciences (BES)

BES will hold virtual office hours on the third Thursday of the month, 2-3 pm ET. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on BES office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


Biological and Environmental Research (BER)

BER will hold virtual office hours on the fourth Tuesday of the month, 2-3 pm ET. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on BER office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)

FES will hold virtual office hours on the first Wednesday of the month, 2-3 pm ET. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on FES office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


High Energy Physics (HEP)

HEP will hold virtual office hours on the third Tuesday of the month, 2-3 pm ET. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on HEP office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


Nuclear Physics (NP)

NP will hold virtual office hours on the first Monday of the month, 3-4 pm ET. In cases where the first Monday falls on a federal holiday, the office hour will slide to the second Monday of the month. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on NP office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


Accelerator R&D and Production (ARDAP)

ARDAP will hold virtual office hours on the second Wednesday of the month, 3-4pm ET. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on ARDAP office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


Isotope R&D and Production (DOE IP)

DOE IP will hold virtual office hours on the second Monday of the month, 2-3pm ET. In cases where the second Monday falls on a federal holiday, the office hour will slide to the third Monday of the month. Upcoming topics include:

For more information on DOE IP office hours, including registration, upcoming topics, slides, and recordings, please visit


We look forward to having you join our Office of Science network and office hours!